A crazy summer-derby hat so close to Christmas ?
Yes. To publish a derby summer-hat at this time of the year may be weird, but I see it as a symbol and a small protest against the racy world we life in.
You can find winterclothing in the shops at the end of July or summercloth in February, Santa Claus Ho-ho-ho´s at you from every department store in October, long before Thanksgiving and what about the Easter Bunny? That poor creature shows it´s long chocolate-ears in the first days of March.
I think, THAT´s really crazy.
So here it is, the most whimsical hat I ever made, untimely, but who cares today?
There is a reason for a season….So why can´t we celebrate at the right time?
And buy winterclothes in winter?
I made the hat with some vintage two-tone ribbons from the 1970s. As you can see, it has no back or front, it´s wearable from both sides.