This time, the girls meet for the big New Years party!
Some girls dance and others chat!
Groovin´in the parlor
Law´s dancing
Davincia tells a story
Fun is everywhere!
Magic dances, until she´s exhausted!
And now she needs to rest in a cosy corner.
Davincia has some other problems…
“I ruined my hairdo!”
“That shoes kill my feet!”
It´s getting dark outside and the party still goes on!
Time to rest and share some hot gossips!
But there is always someone, who can´t enjoy the party!
Someone, who feels lost and lonely and looks at the future with fear and sorrow.
That someone needs care and attention.
Don´t give up! Things will work much better in 2018!
And Elsa? She has enough! She runs from the spotlight and finds a soft cushion!
The others don´t care! It´s close to midnight and the party is at the climax!
Tulabelle doesn´t like the radiostation, Elsa Lin has chosen. “Another transmitter, please!”
What are your good intensions for 2018?
And then it´s time! 12.00 o´clock. Welcome 2018!
And a Happy New Year to all of you!